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Web & Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Graphic Design is more than throwing shapes and words onto a page; it's pushing audiences toward a specific message or thought using only visuals. This should be done through design principles like movement, emphasis, balance, rhythm, contrast, and hierarchy. Without these simple pieces, a message can be lost to the viewer without a second glance.

Below is an example of the designing process I go through with my mentees. Here I'm walking through a few of the elements of design and showing how they can make an impact on the viewer's attention.

Blue Instagram Post (2).png

In the first graphic, our eyes don't really know where to focus. Of course we read the words, but then they don't know where to go. Plus, the language doesn't let you in on the product or purpose.

Blue Instagram Post.png
Blue Instagram Post (1).png

In this second graphic, we add emphasis on the computer by bringing the table forward and adding more purpose to the title and adding a subtitle.

In this last graphic, we created movement and balance by moving the tree to the right and flushed the copy left. Instinctively, we read from left to right in a "Z"–formation, so starting the graphic with what you want the viewer to see first, then pushing their eyes to the right, then instinctively down to the computer.

On top of these elements, designers have to consider: color theory, brand identity, typography, and more. Throughout my 8+ years of design experience, building brands, and design work for over eight companies, I can say that I'm still learning and trying to find creative ways of telling a story. Through programs like Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, and Canva, below are a few of my designs.

Web Design

In the same boat, I've designed and developed a few websites (including the site you're on right now) for small businesses and educational projects. Click the buttons below to check them out.

Definition of Freedom

This is a site I designed for a class, Global and Historical Studies. For the assignment, we had to design a website that touched on three different time periods in four countries, each defining the 'definition of freedom' in that setting.


Fall 2017

Screen Shot 2019-12-10 at 3.47.15 PM.png

Guard Dawg Defense

Sophomore year of college, I started a business with a few classmates, selling pepper spray and an alarm duo. The site allowed customers to purchase the product, learn more about our business, and ask questions about the product/brand.


Fall 2017

Screen Shot 2019-12-10 at 3.48.58 PM.png

Kat Klaws

Senior year, a class asked students to make a fake business/organization with a complete website and marketing plan and set brand standards. My product was Kat Klaws, a self-defense company dedicated to educating, empowering, and providing women with the tools they need to be safe. 

Fall 2019

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