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Giving Back to my Community

Growing up, there were so many people and organizations that shaped me into who I am today. As I became older, I wanted to get involved and give back to these organizations through volunteering and donating, as well as raise them up so other people could support them too. Along my journey, I've also learned of more needs throughout my community and found a few organizations that do such a spectacular job of supporting them. Here are those organizations and my story.

YMCA Camp Eberhart

Camp, where I spent 12 summers, was my haven; somewhere I could always be myself and knew others would be there to help me grow and have fun. When I was old enough to volunteer and work here, I wanted to make the same impact on other kids from all different backgrounds. Project 132 makes it possible for kids whose families wouldn't have been able to afford an experience like mine possible. Help me create memories for them too by donating below.

YMCA Camp Eberhart.jpeg

Habitat for Humanity


Not only does Habitat for Humanity build homes for families who need them, but they also teach adults about finances, job skills, and more to help prevent them from experiencing homelessness again.


Upon my first volunteer experience, I had the chance to meet the family whose house we were building; they were working on it alongside us. Here I got to hear their story and experience their appreciation for our help. Their story and Habitat's mission rocked my world and gave me a new insight into homelessness. Every chance I can, I volunteer. Next time, join me!

Deaf Community

While the "Deaf Community" is not a specific organization, it consists of many culturally Deaf people spanning the United States and worldwide. In high school, I had the privilege of learning American Sign Language (ASL) and making many friends within the Deaf Community. When I moved to Indianapolis, I volunteered at the Indiana School for the Deaf (ISD) as a teacher's Aid while continuing to take ASL classes. Like many other cultural groups, the Deaf community has its own language, norms, values, and sense of humor.


Today, I keep up with my Deaf friends, the language, and stay informed about Deaf news. Most people would think the first step is to start to learn ASL; however, I would encourage people to start learning about it. See below for resources on the Deaf Community and ASL Courses.


You saw my recent renovations. Want to see one of my other passion projects?

Let's Connect!

I hope you learned a bit more about me. If you'd like to connect or contact me, please shoot me a message on Linkedin or click the messaging tab in the bottom-right of your screen. Thanks!

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