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Self-Proclaimed Adventurer

Fun Fact: In college, I was given the Senior Superlative of "World Traveler." Not confident if this was true or if they ran out of superlatives, but I decided to run with it. When writing this page, I asked myself what I liked to do alone and what I'd invite to do with me. Here's what I found:

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My boss has actually walked into my office after I sent another PTO request and asked "Where to this time?" There is something about traveling to a new city or country and seeing the ways that makes it unique that thrills me. When I have the time and money, I love to go off and visit a friend or new city!

16 countries down, 179 to go...

Top of Mount Schwarzhorn in Grindelwald, Switzerland

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Around the US

After college, a lot of my friends moved out of Indianapolis and into new cities around the country. Deciding to take advantage of my weekends, I made it my mission to visit as many of them as I could and explore their cities.



After hitting a few unique breweries in Indianapolis, a group of friends and I decided to make it our mission to travel to every brewery in town, then rate our favorite breweries and beers. Check out our ranking below.


While you're at it, select the type of beer that is your favorite!


Smaller Adventures

While it's not on a regular basis, I love surfing, snowboarding, sailing, curling, and going to concerts when the season and occasion allow for it. 

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In 2021, I joined the Circus!


Okay, maybe not actually, but I do hit up a circus school on a weekly basis because, why not! This December I'll be performing in a winter showcase in Indy so stay tuned for new videos. Click below to see my progress so far! 

Around the World

While studying abroad in Florence, I gained a new love for backpacking. During my short 5-months of being there, I got to travel to 13 countries and 25 cities all while completing a full class load. Since then, I haven't been able to stop!

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Scuba Diver

Who doesn't love swimming with the fish. Since high school, a group of friends and I make it a habit to go diving while it's still warm. Click the button below to catch my latest adventure.

Scuba Diver

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The John Lennon Wall in Prague

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You've seen my recent adventures. Want to see one of my other passion projects?

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